Friday, April 11, 2014

Vectra 3D

We are proud to announce that we sell Vectra 3D. It is the latest addition to our flea and tick arsenal. Biting ecto-parasites have been a growing concern in the northeast for the last 5 years or so … and just like with everything else, these parasites are evolving past our preventative products. Many flea and tick products lose efficacy in the 4th week after application … they don’t kill fast enough … some of them only kill if the animal is bitten … They simply aren’t working to our satisfaction anymore. How is Vectra 3D different? Using Vectra 3D once monthly, year round will provide your dog with powerful protection against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, including after bathing and swimming for 30 days … not up to 30 days … Unlike other products, there is no protection drop off after 21 days. I’ll say it again: Vectra 3D protects your dog, and household for 30 days. This product works by effectively preventing disease transmission. It is a flea, tick and mosquito REPELLENT/KILLER. Applying Vectra 3D will begin to kill fleas already occupying your animal in 6hrs. We all know that the longer these ecto-parasites remain on your dog, the greater the chance your dog could get sick. Vectra 3D effectively prevents all stages of the flea life cycle, controlling adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and adolescent fleas essentially breaking the life cycle at every juncture. This product also repels and kills 3 different species of mosquitoes including those that transmit heartworm disease to dogs and cats. It also repels and kills 4 types of ticks that transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis and tick paralysis. All of these diseases are now very prevalent in the northeast. Vectra 3D is proven effective even after bathing, swimming, and exposure to rain! You don’t have to wait 2 days before and after exposure to water to apply Vectra 3D. It drys in 4 hours, so if you apply it right before bedtime … it will be dry and your dog will be ready to go for your 6am walk. Does Vectra protect against mosquitos? Simply hold the tube upright, place thumb and index finger around the applicator tip (under the large disk). With your other hand, grasp the stem of the applicator tip (above the smaller disk). To puncture the tamper proof seal, press down firmly until both disks meet. The product is now ready to use.tubed flea and tick prevention with vectra Vectra 3D is made for dogs and cats, but it is very important to give this medication properly as the Vectra 3D for dogs CANNOT BE USED ON CATS! Vectra 3D for dogs is toxic to cats during the 4 hour necessary dry time. If you apply the liquid as directed (at night before bed) … simply keep the dogs and cats separate for the duration of your slumber. They will be able to once again socialize by morning without consequence. If your cat does come into contact (i.e. the dog product is applied accidentally to the cat, or the cat grooms the dog where the medication was applied before the required drying period is over) contact your veterinarian immediately to avoid any harmful effects. Before deciding to carry this product in our clinic, we did extensive research, met with company representatives, and we are currently dosing our own pets. We have been very pleased with the results, and our full confidence is behind this product. Please feel free to e-mail us or call us if you are interested in more information, or if you would like to purchase this product. This product is only available for purchase through your veterinarian. Online pharmacies are not allowed (by law) to sell this product. If you come across such a pharmacy please notify your veterinarian as this is an illegal use/distribution of this product.

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